
Meeting Nature Halfway on a Floodway

December 9th, 2014

Current Understanding and Future Interactions with a Changing Landscape

A grand experiment in species conservation is underway on the Yolo Bypass, a farmed floodway of the Sacramento River. Rather than restore the engineered floodplain to some natural state, researchers are exploring possibilities of a re-­‐engineered human-­‐dominated landscape that allows native species to coexist. Engineers, ecologists and economists discuss how habitat for fish and fowl might be reconciled with floods and farming.

Instream Flow Assessment Workshop

Dec 7th, 2010

The UCD-CEC Instream Flow Assessment Program is pleased to announce the upcoming Instream Flow Assessment Workshop to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Buehler Alumni and Visitor Center, University of California, Davis, California. Registration is due on or before October 29th, 2010. 

The workshop announcement, program and registration form are available at